Punctuality in payments is very important in repaying a loan, since the inclusion in the list of bad payers can jeopardize the granting and disbursement of any future loans, in some more serious circumstances even opening an account current.
Before that, however, you can easily understand if you belong to the category of bad payers, always using precautions to avoid this risk as far as possible emergency loans.
For example, if the loan is repaid with bills, I will have to make sure that these are paid before the due date indicated.
If, on the other hand, the installments are paid by debit on a current account, it is a good rule to check that the account balance is positive near the due date, so that the bank gives the go-ahead for the payment. In the event that the current account balance used to repay the loan is negative at the time of payment, the bank rejects or postpones the debit and the consequence of the unpaid installment will be an unpaid or delayed payment emergency loans.
Because it pays to be punctual in payments
Punctuality in payments is therefore very important, since the inclusion in the list of bad payers can jeopardize the granting and disbursement of any future loans, in some more serious circumstances even the very opening of a current account. Banks use SIC archives to judge creditworthiness and check whether the customer usually pays on time or has instead undergone some reports, so as to avoid any risk of insolvency . The data contained in the archives are also of fundamental importance for understanding the level of reliability of loan and mortgage applicants.